Shenyang trial of Japanese war criminals court
发布日期:【2017-01-11 10:50:33】

Display Hall of the Former Site of China (Shenyang) Military Tribunal for the Trial of Japanese War Criminals is located in Heilongjiang Street 77, Huanggu District, Shenyang City, under the Shenyang September 18th Historical Museum. Based on restoration of the Shenyang Military Tribunal for Trial of Japanese War Criminals, it was officially opened to the public on May 18th, 2014. The Display Hall covers an area of 2,160 square meters, including a construction area of 1,545 square meters and an exhibition area of 1,120 square meters. Through integration of the restored display and historical display, it comprehensively showcases the public trial of 36 Japanese war criminals from June 9th to July 20th, 1956, by the Special Military Tribunal of the Supreme People’s Court of the People’s Republic of China, with a rich variety of displaying means including texts, photographs, cultural relics, historical materials, graphs, audios and videos. The Trial in Shenyang is a trial truthfully reflecting the Chinese people’s volitions and aspirations, and a judgment of evil by justice. As all the 36 Japanese war criminals pleaded guilty, a miracle in international trial of war criminals was created. The Display Hall has incurred widespread attention by all social sectors after its inauguration. In September 2014, it was named a national facility for commemorating the war of resistance against Japanese aggression by the State Council; in October the same year, it was named by the People’s Government of Liaoning a cultural heritage unit under provincial protection. As a display hall featuring Japanese war criminals, it is not only a testimony of the crimes of Japanese aggressors, but also a rare teaching material for the patriotic education of Chinese adolescents. Meanwhile, it also constitutes cogent evidence for refuting the denial of the aggressive deeds by Japanese right-wing forces and a manifestation of the broad-mindedness of the Chinese people who recompensed injury with kindness.

Shenyang WWII Allied Prisoners Camp site Museum
发布日期:【2017-01-11 10:48:52】

Located at No. 30-3 Ditan Street, Dadong District, Shenyang, Shenyang World War II Allied POW Camp was established by Japan exclusively for detention of captives of the pacific battlefields from the United States, Britain and other allied states. Originally known as Mukden POW Shelter, it was the largest POW camp established by the Japanese army in northeast China. Over its area of nearly 50,000 square meters, more than 2,000 prisoners of war from six countries including the United States, Britain, Canada, Australia, the Netherlands and France were once held. The currently preserved buildings mainly include No. 1 POW barrack with the ancillary space, the offices for the Japanese troops with the ancillary space, the POW hospital, the POW water tower and the chimney for the boiler room. The POW camp is so far the best preserved among all 18 POW camps established by Japan during the Second World War in territories seized by it overseas. It was named in 2013 a unit of heritage under national protection. On its basis, the Display Hall of Shenyang WWII Allied POW Camp Site was constructed. Harboring the historical fact display hall, the hall of restored POW barracks, the hall of restored office area for Japanese troops and the memorial square, the Display Hall covers an area of 12,900 square meters and a construction area of 4,000 square meters. The permanent exhibition includes “Historical Facts of Shenyang World War II Allied POW Camp”, “The POW Camp as Painted by the Inmates” and “International Friends of China during Its War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression,” in which over 500 historical photos and dozens of cultural relics are shown. In addition, electronic maps, restored scenes, panoramic sand tables, thematic sculptures, painting works, videos, phantom imaging and other means of display are employed for comprehensively displaying the establishment of the POW camp and the suffering and struggles of allied prisoners of war there, revealing to the world the fascist atrocities inflicted on allied prisoners of war by Japanese troops in blatant violation of international conventions and expressing the common aspirations of people around the world for denouncing war and cherishing peace.

The September 18th Historical Museum
发布日期:【2017-01-11 10:36:23】

The September 18th Historical Museum is located at No. 46 Wanghua Nanjie, Dadong District, Shenyang, at the site where the earth-shattering September 18th Incident broke out. Founded in 1991 to the southeast of the former Liutiao Lake Section of the South Manchuria Railway, it covers an area of 35,000 square meters, with a construction area of 12,600 square meters and an exhibition area of 9,180 square meters. It is so far the only museum at home and abroad capable of comprehensively reflecting the September 18th Incident. It is now a national first-class museum, a national patriotism education base, a national AAAA scenic spot, one of the first national facilities for commemorating the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the patriotism education base for central governmental institutions. Over the years, it has upheld the mission of “collecting historical memories for displaying historical truths” and focused on collection, display and study of cultural heritage and historical data related to the September 18th Incident and on publicity and public education. Its basic display “Historical Display of the September 18th Incident” offers a truthful account of the Japanese militarists choreographing and starting the September 18th Incident and the history of humiliation to which northeast China was subjected under their brutal colonial rule, through a rich variety of cultural relics, historical photos and various other modern means of display. Vividly reproducing the historical canvas of people in northeast China ultimately achieving the great victory in the war of resistance against Japanese aggression, together with their compatriots under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party through perseverant bloody battles, it has been named top ten excellent exhibition of China. Since its opening, the September 18th History Museum has received tens of millions of visitors in aggregate and over 1 million visitors annually. It has become an important venue for public patriotic education and major commemorative actives dedicated to the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression. Since 1999, the “Bell-sounding Ceremony Commemorating the September 18th Incident” has been held on September 18th each year by people from all walks of life. When the time comes, air-raid sirens are sounded across the entire city, and the alarm bell sounded 14 times, to remind the people of that national humiliation and of the September 18th Incident.